9 Mart 2016
The first representatives meeting of Hasene Turkey Branch took place in Ankara. Germany, Hasene Chairman Mesud Gulbahar, Vice President Mehmet Günestepe, Head of Organization Omer Benli, Turkey Branch Chairman Abdullah Erbay, Turkey Organization Chairman Omer Soyleyenoglu, former Turkey Branch President Ibrahim Kirak, and provincial representatives participated in in the meeting. About thirteen city representative took their place in the meeting during which activities and work principles of Hasene were introduced. The President Mesud Gulbahar made a presentation about how a Hasene representative should behave and work.
Hasene Turkey Branch Manager Abdullah Erbay assessed the meeting: ”We came together with provincial representatives who do their activities voluntarily and had the chance to get to know each other. We brainstormed over the prospective activities in Turkey during our workshop. We also received an assessment report on the works and activities in various provinces by Hasene Turkey Branch. That was a promising and hopeful meeting. I thank Hasene Organization President, his team and all our provincial representatives.
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